Since Recently :
The problem with our society is that we expect somebody to hand us something , we expect ...
That's our problem we expect too damn much .While were sitting expecting somebody else is doing . We expect the world to revolve around us and when life kicks us we blame it on parents , we blame it on other people , we even go as far as blaming it on society . Because they didn't put these programs in place for youths , they aren't being put in the right environment .No they're over privileged . The right environment ? Are you growing plants or fungi .You train your child to make it whatever the environment .Life isn't always going to be cozy and then they grow up with this expecting mentality .They should be grown with what if this doesn't happen what else am i going to , not i expected this to happen by now and that didn't happen so that's it.
I have been in a class where the environment is terrible , the teacher is awful and everybody in the class talking .This one girl sits quietly , she takes her notes , she goes home look up the curriculum , she aces the class . And when everybody else is complaining and whining , talking to parents and guidance counsellors , shes topping the class .
Have ambition in life . If you think sex is the only thing life has to offer in life , then you have a poor vision of life .It's a part of life but it isn't all life has to offer . Widen your view . Even pornstars have a life besides just sex . Yes it is a major part of life but it isn't all it is to it .
There is a point when children shouldn't be cuddled , that you teach them life isn't always a bed time story . That dreams only come true if you make them happen .Even people who won the lottery had to buy a damn ticket .
So you got raped , shot , went bankrupt , abused . You expect me to sympathize with you and i do but after that i won't .You get that one free pass. It isn't the end of the world . What are you going to do with that negative ?. Are you going to sit in your room and cry and hope the world goes by , kill yourself and it all ends. No it doesn't and your'e contributing to reason it doesn't end . Stop making today's society feel like the only negative they can face is a friend not talking to them , a bad comment on your post , a nasty remark .There are worse horrors out there and people are overcoming them . Making a positive .
The government isn't doing this , the government hasn't done that .When was the last time you voted ? . If you want something go for it and stop expecting somebody to hand it to you . Be what you want , you have one life and its not going to be the same as everybody else's , but make it count .
They tell you to make a plan B , no make sure you 36 plans and that plan A works . Plan A has to work and when you have given a 100 percent and it hasn't , then you try again .Thomas Edison tried thousands of times they say before he invented the light bulb .
Goes to show that sometimes we are the ones defeating ourselves .
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