I woke up to the news , it was one of the first things I had seen when I woke up .My heart broke , and I cried .The horrific news that a woman like myself was murdered , that every year around 300 women are murdered in turkey by men and atleast a hundred raped and some of the rest killed by husbands .Everyday atmost 5 women are killed in Turkey.
Image Source :"Ozgecan Aslan" by Source (WP:NFCC#4). Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ozgecan_Aslan.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Ozgecan_Aslan.jpg
Ozgecan Aslan a University student studying psychology , 19 years old , would be 20 years old October 22 was traveling on a minibus with a friend home . The friend came off the bus and she was the only passenger left on board . It is reported the minibus driver attempted to rape her and she fought him off with pepper spray . He then stabbed her multiple times ,then beat her to death with an iron rod .
He got the help of his father and friend who burned the body and chopped of the hands so that DNA under the finger nails would not connect him to the murder .
Women and men are protesting in Turkey ,that the harshest punishment be brought against these men . In a society dominated by men these crimes are not seen as crimes by many . They blame it on the women saying that they should be conservative and therefore they deserve the violence . When is violence against women warranted because of the way they dress ? Because they donot conform or fit the ideals set by men for them .
Women who even meet the criteria are still murdered .
What are we ?
Who are we ?
We think we have moved forward , that we have advanced as a people and then this happens .Shows us we have not advanced just evolved and not for the better .
A beautiful girl was killed , a mother is still waiting for her daughter to come home , a father will never see his daughter again, never marry her , and a mother was working to send her daughter to University ...
I feel like a sister of mine who I have known for years has died .
Her mother and people , family are protesting that the full force of the law be brought against the man for such a vicious act.
A woman was stabbed and beaten to death after almost being raped .
What kind of man does this ? with no remorse ?
We can only hope justice is brought against these men , against the man that killed her .
I pray for her family because for you there probably will be no comfort and I pray for the other women who are sacrificed everyday .
Do something ...not tomorrow , but today , not later but now .
This is what has been happening since recently .
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