Hay Day is a farming game created by Supercell and since last year has become one that I am quite addicted to . It is easy to use , colorful and vibrant and has beautiful details .It also has a nice farming tune to carry you through your daily activities .The controls are easy to manage with just the stroke of a finger and for lazy people like myself doesn’t take a lot of finger work . You farm and sell products to visitors who come up by the house and also by orders put in by people from the town .It also gives you the ability to be creative , and therefore you are able to customize your farm . You can build your own town , manufacture and deliver goods by truck and steam boat .Fishing is included with a variety of lures and fishing nets .

However a recent set back I have found with the game is it takes too long to complete levels unless of course you have tons of diamonds which is limited therefore you are given the opportunity to purchase diamonds with real money . It is a never ending game but it is refreshing , addicting and of course fun .
What do you think of hay day ?
Are you addicted too ?
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