Tuesday 17 March 2015


Since Recently ,
Men and women can’t have a decent , intellectual or serious conversation without women being sexualized. What ,  however men seem to forget is that women are not only bodies , not just tits and ass and a cute face and a vagina , women also possess brains .It’s not ‘she’s trying to act smarter than you’ it’s just a simple conversation and if you feel that she’s demeaning you by bringing up valid points to counter your argument , then you as a man have a problem . I understand sex is the main topic of the world but it also gets boring and tired and played out after a while .Sometimes it is refreshing to talk about other things .And your inability to function on any other topic besides sex shows a lot .
Open your mind , broaden your views , the world isn’t just about sex , it is of the world ,not the world .
Yes women do it too , and some women have led us into this position . But stop defining women only by their bodies , stop belittling women by thinking the only thing they serve for is just an object , or a pretty picture to look at and to hold .Don’t you want more than just a empty vase ?
Why is it that as a woman starts having a conversation with a male the first thing they start to do is try to belittle them ? They start getting super defensive and they get a nasty attitude .Men are leaders not bullies .
So women educate yourself , read a book , watch something educational or inspirational once in awhile . Their shouldn’t be a reason why every conversation men and women have should end up in a quarrel . And yes there are women who are so proud to be intelligent that they use it to belittle men in conversations . They feel they have a point to prove .That it’s a gender war .
Let’s have a conversation about something new , inspire me , surprise me . Let me know I can invite you to a formal event and you can hold a conversation even if it’s talking about the weather .
Because at the end of the day a conversation is a way in which we communicate and without communication all fails . Build your conversational skills and topics , stop belittling women , because you might be surprised ,you might just learn something .
Women if you listened once in a while you would learn something from men too . Educate yourself .

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