Monday 2 March 2015


Since Recently ,
I have noticed that our society has forgotten simple manners and chivalry or they weren’t taught any . It is bad enough seeing it in children but in grown adults worse . Please , thank you , excuse me , I am sorry . We are now behaving like  wild animals. What has happened to us ?  . Good manners show respect for people irrespective of their age or size , whether you are familiar with them or it’s a total stranger .
When has it become acceptable to push down people instead of saying  excuse me ?  , To accidentally step on someone’s foot and not even apologize . And then when we are compared to wild animals everybody gets offended . It’s just a rule society is trying to impose on you  ? . Fine , but when it happens to you then it’s the start of world war three .
Men say women want equal rights so they should open there own doors , they should hold the door until they go in . Fine .But what does that say about you as a man ?
I’m not saying you have to go all out . No i’m just saying there are basic mannerisms that  should be displayed . I understand that sometimes women go over board expecting men to be slaves and use chivalry as an excuse but there is the negative and positive to everything .
Good manners will carry you sometimes places where money nor education can’t carry you and remember it’s free ! It doesn’t cost you anything .

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