Tuesday 17 March 2015



Since Recently ,
I have realized that people are not only addicted to substances but also to people .Yes , people ! , you might not think this is not possible because you are wondering how does one get addicted to another person ? .Well just as how drugs give you a high , people tend to give people these same feelings , make them feel important , their self worth feels elevated by being with these persons , they’re emotionally dependent on these people to be happy .But is it healthy ? Is the relationship toxic ? Are you clingy or over possessive ?
In a list does the negative things you get from the relationship outweigh the positive ?
When was the last  time you had a meal by yourself ?
Or it might be a friend who you notice always wants to be with you even when it’s inconvenient , has a bad influence on you , or keeps getting you in serious trouble.
This person has hurt you in a number of ways but you still look at the positive ,to the periods in time when they made you feel good and like a junkie you’re waiting for another shot of self esteem or appreciation or love .Therefore they tend to use you .
How do you get over this addiction?
First determine if it’s an addiction , is this a recurring thing as in with past lovers or the types of friends you choose ?
Spend time with yourself ,  know yourself , enjoy your own company .Love yourself , set personal goals ,work on your weak spots , elevate your own self esteem and worth . Introduce positive people and things in your life .And no it won’t be easy but you’ll start feeling the positive changes around you .

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