Friday 8 January 2016



Many of us share the common fear of heights. A couple of days a go I was scrolling through my instagram feed and this picture grabbed me. It made me pause for a bit. It’s not just about a man conquering fear. It also sends a beautiful message that if he can create the will to conquer all fear and sit on top of a building with his feet  dangling on air and with a good distance down with cars and people below and even buildings. And yes without being tied to a rope or hooked to a bungee cord then yes you can conquer your fears as well. You just have to find the strength and will you possess and for some like myself some adult diapers as well… But not only that big kudos to the photographer. Because not many would be so daring to make a profession out of taking pictures or photographs at such staggering and chilling heights.
Here’s the instagram account if you want to have more looks at this amazing photographer’s pictures, most taken from incredible altitudes:


How do you conquer your fear?
I donot own the rights to any of the pictures used in this article or blog post.


Merrry Chriistmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had a wonderful and stuffed Christmas day and I hope you ave too. And when I say I ate food, I ate food. My left jaww gave out and it hurts like a bitch. I can’t open my mouth without feeling pain but it was all for a good cause. And I can’t sleep on one side of stomach and I have never been so stuffed in all my life and now I’m going to eat some cookies and cream ice-cream and some blackforest cake and then some christmas cake. Why ?
Because it’s Christmas!!!!!!! lol
Have an awesome night. I know I will.



I have observed for a while now that interracial relationships seem to be the big advertisers on the internet. Ads encouraging you to visit various sites to meet your partner from another race and form an interracial relationship with them. You see it in comment sections, in your email, and yes on televison/tv. Are interracial relationships the new thing? And why is it now being so heavily promoted. I for one love to see people happy and I love all races irrespective of one’s colour or shade or where they are from. People are beautiful. And I treat people with respect and deal with them how they respond to me, colour has no basis. But it seems as if this seems to be the new exotic thing. And it tends to identify it being black and white.
But the thing I am yet to see is a Black girl with an Indian guy on a poster, or a Pakistani guy. Or a Bangaldesh girl with a black guy. Why not a Chinese girl with a Latino male. And I know I am going to get a lot of comments saying I am confused and that I am mixing up the countries and the races of the various people.But my point is why do we never see people from these races mixing? Why does it have to be black and white? And why is it only given significance when there is a black person involved? Is it that we are still of the idea or thinking that the black race is an inferior one and for them to be paired with any other race is a blessing? It’s an upgrade and a miracle. We should be proud of him/her for accomplishing such a fete?
And I say or assume this because I have read the comments under these persons pictures and I sometimes wonder if you guys are giving a compliment or a congratulatory response.
And it goes for whites too. Only then is it given significance. This amazing gentleman or woman decided to marry someone of a different/lesser race. A true hero.
Are interracial relationships easy? No I don’t think they are. Because people will always have various opinions and beliefs and the truth is not every one will be understanding or accepting of interracial relationships as with a majority of things in the world. Not everyone is going to share the same opinion. Especially if these very opinionated persons are your family members. And to the ones who don’t care what people have to say kudos to you all. Because love has no colour or shade and what’s wrong with falling in love with somebody that has a different skin tone/ eye colour than you?
But I was just thinking that in a world where we are fighting for gay marriages and equality among gender and races we forget to fight for people. How many interracial couples have been mistreated or abused simply because they chose to love someone who didn’t quite share the same ancestors as they did or certain distinct physical characteristics ?
People applaud and congratulate but how many of you know that there are some parts of the world that these people can’t travel to , or certain places they can’t vacation to.That you can stay here but he/she has to go. That you might walk into a bar and/or hotel and not get through until your spouse who is racially accepted arrives. Or mistreated but just because your spouse is of the right shade they give you a pass. But some are also mistreated or verbally abused, given bad stares because they think well you chose less than your race. And these advertisements and television shows and newspaper articles give false hopes to young and naive girls who innocently just think its beautiful and it’s a Cinderella and the glass slipper story and in order to meet their Prince or to seem as something of worth you have to marry into a race deemed “higher”. It happens to men too but majority of the time it’s young girls and women.
Boys and men and i’m not bashing any race or religion but it’s the truth of Indian and Pakistani background who are arranged to be married they scoop these young vulnerable girls up with no intention of ever having a future with them and then they use them and practice with them until it’s time for them to get married or they are near that stage in their life where marriage is the next step. They take these gullible girls as sex practice,  arm candy. They have no intention of having a future with them and they don’t tell them they are arranged to be married. And everybody in their family is okay with it. Have fun. Until one of their sisters or cousins sleep with a white or black guy. Then they scream that their women are being taken advantaged of. They put significance on the virginity or purity of their women and how they have been corrupted. But women of other races don’t matter?   It has happened to girls in my high school, women at my University who cry their eyeballs out, some suicidal and end up mentally /emotionally unstable/scarred because the guy they have been with since high school for 8 years has decided its time to get married but not to her. Or they got married, she thought she had found her Prince and the guy moved back home brought his wife and children over and moved to a different state. This all in itself is a different topic but you get the idea. So i’m saying stop making interracial relationships seem like they are things young women or girls must have to be seen or heard in the world, an achievement for them to be moved up in the race bracket that you have made in your mind segregating races based on colour or physical characteristics/ ethic group. They have achieved something glorious in life if they do this and this is the guy the only guy that can bring you a glass slipper. Stop telling them a baby is only beautiful or cute if it has inherited their fathers blue eyes and straight hair, or  baby is only beautiful if its mixed with African genes.
I get it white and black people make a fascinating story because of the past struggles both race have had with each other. Interracial relationships gives hope of a better world. Stop idolizing this as the new relationship trend. Well if you date him you’re not racist, well technically if you date her you have done a good deed, if you date him you are making him feel important.

We are people. Love has no restrictions and neither does one race or ethnic group. And no this hasn’t happened to me. Something doesn’t always have to happen to you for you to speak about it. And when it does then you wish you had said something.
And if you want to marry or date or fall in love with a pink guy it’s okay.Children should know that it’s okay. But that they don’t have to be with that pink guy/girl to attain love or admiration.
And yes interracial relationships do give hope of a unified world and are equally beautiful.
What are your thoughts?


They told me colour was what you saw when you looked at the light
That if you ever saw a rainbow, you’ve seen all the colours insight
I memorized them by crayons to coloured pencils and shades
Until one day I realized that people came in different shades
That love didn’t really have a colour
And neither did pain
That we have no power over how we were made
And we don’t get the opportunity to pick a shade
And as I lay here watching you think
It came to me that colour doesn’t always describe everything
The ones that I love represent something true
Like the blue of the ocean crashing upon your toes
The creamy blue softness of the of the sky
And when I was little I used to stretch out my tongue and try
To taste it even though it was so high
Freshly cut green grass, it’s smell floating through your veins
And not to mention golden sunsets
Dark nights and pouring summer rains
To soft hair and smooth skin
And wide dark eyes
Lips the colour of red roses
And sighs the colour of champagne
Because colours can be addicting
That’s why we most of us spend all our lives
Dying to identify every shade
Because how else  would we describe
Exclusivity and
The world in which we were made

Friday 16 October 2015


I have a website where I sell affordable t-shirts. Here's a link where you can check out these simple and unique t-shirts, you might just be interested. So go go go and buy a t-shirt !

Friday 14 August 2015


In the hot and dry summer days my favorite refreshers are water and cranberry juice.Yes and cranberry juice is everything .If you are a beginner it might take some time for you to get acquired to the taste.Not to mention it has a host of benefits as in providing relief from urinary tract infection , respiratory disorders , heart disease and cancer. Rich in antioxidants , it also contains vitamins and minerals,protein ,carbohydrates and loads you up on energy.The cranberry fruit is native to America .It is good for the skin ,relieving stress and it should taste a bit tangy or sour so you know your drinking the real deal.It's overall good for your health and a good refresher.So get your cranberry on !!!
It is good to stay hydrated especially during the summer and nothing is better than a cool glass of H2O .It keeps your skin looking flawless , good for the kidneys and prevents constipation.We tend to sweat a lot and do a lot of activities so remember to keep hydrated .Top up on water !
What are your summer refreshers that have been keeping you hydrated ? Hit me up and let me now.Until next time , keep hydrated .



No More Dry Lipssss!!!!!!Since the hot and dry summer days have arrived how have you been taking care of  your lips ?!.People experience , flaking , cracking and sunburn , yes sunburn in the lips during these desert times.But I have found the best lip balm I have ever tried and its from Caramex in a stick .Dry chapped lips are mostly caused by over licking of the lips ,sun damage and yes dehydration . When we lick our lips it removes the natural oils that are used to keep moisture in our skin and this then evaporates leaving chapped lips.Not only does it last forever around four or more hours , it also contains spf 15 which also aids in protecting your lips from harmful UV rays(UVB/UVA) which are known to cause cancer.Not to mention you can sip that cool drink because it is also water resistant up to 80 min.Enjoy the outdoors this summer not to mention the beach.
What I love about the Caramex lip balm is that it covers everything and its long lasting and effective.
I have been using the stick daily but they also provide them in jars , tubes and moisture plus which includes vitamin E and aloe vera.They also have a nice range of flavours to choose from.So get your lips together !
Ok now what's your favorite lip balm during the summer and have you tried Caramex ?
For a review i'd give it a 4.5 out of five .
Don't forget to take care of those lips.Who doesn't want lips like pilllows ?